Science Photos

As part of their theme All Creatures Great and Small, Year 1 and 2 visited the Exotic Zoo in Telford. 

Our Year 5 and 6 children have had the wonderful experience of dissecting hearts. As part of their theme Blood Heart, the children wanted to learning about how a heart works. They had the opportunity to explore valves and ventricles first hand! 

Year 3 and 4 took part in a science day where they explored a carousel of activities to develop their science knowledge. They even made and tested out their own bubbles. 

Year 2 also visited a local farm as part our the Farmvention competition (ran yearly by the NFU) the whole year group entered. The children had first hand experience of digging potatoes up form the field and seeing how they are stored in sheds. They had a sit on a tractor and learnt about how the potatoes are taken to Walkers to be turned into crisps.

Farmvention - when farming meets invention - for Primary Schools

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