Governors Pen Portraits

Aqueduct Primary – Meet our Governors


Louise Aubrey - Chair of Governors

I am delighted to be the Chair of Governors at Aqueduct Primary School. I currently work for Telford & Wrekin Council, as the Post 16 Education Adviser within the Virtual School. I have previously taught for seven years in both primary and secondary schools, and held the role of Whole School Literacy Coordinator, in addition to spending time working in the private sector as the Education Coordinator and Designated Safeguarding Officer for a large healthcare company. I have a detailed understanding of SEN codes of practice, in addition to hands on experience working with students who have a wide range of needs and can present challenging behaviour. Whilst training to teach part time, I worked in a variety of educational settings (including special schools and nurseries) in support roles, which has helped develop both skills and knowledge across both Literacy and SEN. I also have experience in safeguarding young people and ensuring all relevant legislation and processes are adhered to in order to promote the welfare of learners.

Darren Feder - Vice Chair of Governors

I am married with 2 children aged 16 and 8. We have lived in Aqueduct since 2001 and love the area for the access to local green spaces where we walk our dog. In my limited spare time, I enjoy DIY, playing the guitar and am currently learning to play the drums. In the position of governor for Aqueduct Primary School, I look forward to bringing energy and ideas to help to provide the opportunity for all children to maximise their potential to take forward into secondary school. I work as European Audit Manager for a large aerospace organisation in Wolverhampton where I understand the need for compliance as well as continuous improvement. I am also a STEM ambassador and have supported many schools in various events to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths, and inspire young pupils to stay interested in these subjects to ensure we have a good supply of talent for the next generation in industry.

Emma Williams – Co-opted Governor

I currently work as a Special Educational Needs Teacher within a local Telford School with a background qualification of a PGCE in Secondary Physical Education. I am very excited to be part of the Governing body at Aqueduct Primary and looking forward to bringing my passion of learning into the school, particularly in Physical Education, Physical activity and Sport, within which I have coached and played many sports throughout my years living in Telford. I hope I can provide some insight and support within areas of SEN.

Ash Palin - Staff Governor

I am currently Assistant Head working within year 3/4 and have worked at Aqueduct since September 2017. I am the staff Governor who represents, teachers, teaching assistants and other staff members. I have had experience with working with all year groups in KS2. Alongside class teacher and Assistant Head, I am also the KS2 phase leader and responsible for mathematics across the school, a subject about which I am passionate about. Outside of school, I live with my wife, our son and our dog with whom I enjoy long walks.

Richard Ware - Parent Governor

As the title suggests I am a parent of three children, two of whom currently attend the school and one who moved onto secondary school. We have lived in the area for nearly 15 years and my working life has been spent in IT. This will assist in supporting part of my ICT role within the Governing body. I hope to be able to represent other parents to make sure that school provides the best possible opportunities and experiences for all our children.

Lisa Batchelor - Support Staff Governor

I am the Inclusion Support Manager for Aqueduct Primary School and have worked here since September 2020. I am the Support staff Governor and I have had experience with working with all year groups focusing on providing pastoral, social, emotional, and behavioural support. In addition, I am part of our school’s Wellbeing Committee which works to promote and improve wellbeing and mental health of our staff, children and wider school community. Outside of school, I live with my husband, our two sons and our cat. I enjoy reading and spending lots of time outside in nature.

Claire Osborn

I currently have a daughter at the school and my son moved on from Aqueduct to Secondary in September 2023. I work for UNISON trade union supporting members with workplace issues. Previously to this I managed provision and taught in Post 16 Education, in both mainstream and alternative settings for 17 years. During that time, I was passionate about creating a positive and inclusive learning environment which I firmly believe begins with building strong connections and creating a sense of safety in children and young people. I have extensive experience of working with students with a wide range of needs, and a comprehensive understanding of safeguarding practices in education. I am fully committed to supporting every member of the school community to fulfil their potential.